Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We are spending an hour in Pepperland this week on RadioLand! Wednesdays at 6p & Saturdays at 9a, 89.9 fm

The entire Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band plus a few bonus cuts.


Sgt. Pepper
With a little help from my friends
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Getting better
Fixing a hole
She's leaving home
Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite
Within you without you
When I'm 64
Lovely Rita
Good morning
Sgt. Pepper reprise
A day in the life

Strawberry fields forever
Penny lane

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bits and pieces, pieces and bits on RadioLand this week! Little themes for other shows. Check it out Wednesday at 6pm and Saturday at 9am. 89.9fm


Gin Wigmore - man like that, hey ho
Queen - under pressure, bicycle race, we will rock you
Little Willies - Jolene
Norah Jones - come away with me
Little Willies - diesel smoke, dangerous curves
Harry Connick Jr. - smokey Mary, it had to be you!
Hayseed Dixie - Dirty Deeds
Barenaked ladies - 789
They might be giants - Davy Crockett in Outer Space, nano bots
Caro Emerald - that man
Puppini sisters - it don't mean a thing
Gin Wigmore - don't stop